Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia
References: <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1992 01:27:15 GMT
Lines: 27 (Darren Bird) writes:
>Hi there
>Just a test message for me. I am in England
> Has anyone seen Alien 3
> Is it any good
> Darren
Hi Darren,
think you got the wrong news group... but then again....the film was more
credible than alot of the articles people post here. ;-)
As for the movie, it wasn't too bad for a sequel. No flames please!
If this is your first time in this news group...welcome!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jamie P. Curmi (, Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics
The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Organization: University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
Nntp-Posting-Host: csthor
Lines: 65
"If he did not exist it would be necessary to invent him".Or something.
we are faced with a momentous decision. To choose one person to represent all of humanity before an intergalactic forum of horrible nasty slimy things is not one to be reached lightly.
This one being must encapsulate all that is best in humankind: all that we are now; all we have ever been; all our hopes, beliefs and dreams for the future - all of our most precious treasures must be carried for us to a place beyond the stars by this one marvellous being.
This is a incredibly difficult task.
It requires an incredible person.
This person does not exist.
True we have some fine contenders : Frank with his angelic voice,
La Cicciolina with her earthy fundamentalism and defence of family values, the great Idi Amin and his subtle mastery of the principles of democratic governance. But none are adequate alone.
Friends, we must make our own perfection!
We must make the Ultimate man.
Here is my dream:
we must spare no expense. A giant papier mache balloon filled with tomato sauce with and decorated with the rough scrawls of a demented six year old to serve as the head may seem like an extravagance to some , but only the best will do .Quality shows.
The body: an overripe artichoke stuffed with cheese and garlic and turned out in a nice little vinagarette dressing, liberally festooned with sliced carrots + 8452 Re: Spokesman for Earth Update #3 [13] Jeff Papineau and shredded tofu will suffice here and will be a bone to toss to the Vegetarian camp. Should keep them off our backs.
Our beast must have his voice. A hidden microphone constantly blaring out "Bob Hope's Favorite Fireside Tunes" should provide a moving homily on the essential tragedy of the human condition and silence the sternest alien critic.
If the aliens turn out to be Creatures from Hell as our Australian friend suggests (cf.8444), I think a quick change to Led Zeppelin played backwards will satisfy them.
Or indeed played forwards.
Other options are available (at knock down prices while stocks last): the red polkadot finish, the cryptic smile, the matching hankerchief and tie.
Greetings Eartlings, I am Brogedulakigthorn ma Toonet of the 34th planet in the megatooth galaxy. I will be invading your miserable planet this week. Those that wish to visit me and fuck some alien women please leave a reply. But I warn you. I am going to destroy this planet and all earthlins next wed. night. Look out. Only those that vote for Clinton shall be saved and taken to my ship! Be ware I will come.
I don't know about you but I think the new Star Trek is sooo much better than the old Star Trek, and another thing is that I don't have to talk to you jerky.
Message-ID: <>
Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1992 03:30:42 GMT
Lines: 199
Hi. Here is a film that you will not read about in the UFO press. I think that readers of alt.alien.visitor will find it interesting for many reasons. It
was shot on location at the White Sands Missile Range (yes, including
Trinity Site), and is very much about the experience of being visited by
aliens of the sort Valle hypothesizes about (i.e. -interdimensional- contact
with the truly alien). Lots of interesting synchronicity came along during the making (for instance, though I beganwith ideas concerning Dan Fry, the man in
the pork pie hat, and moved on to Roswell (the film took about 6 years, and started in '85), it wasn't ntil several years in that I actually learned about
EBE's) So this is the only film you may ever find that thanks Detlev Bronk
in the titles,and means it.
It's been about 2 months since I last posted about my electronic